Do you have questions you need answering by an expert? Do you have a particular challenge you would like researched for an article? Or do you have a personal story to share of where you’re at in midlife that may resonate with, or help other readers for the Your Stories section (you can be completely anonymous if you choose)? I would love to hear from you! Email me at hello@takingthemysteryoutof50.com.
Editorial & PR
Would you like to pitch a story idea, a women’s health or lifestyle expert to interview, or a product or service to be reviewed? Let’s connect! Please note the website target readership is women in their 40s and 50s and only ideas relevant to this demographic will be considered. Please email me here.
Advertising & Partnerships
I partner with a limited number of brands focusing on women’s health, wellness, and lifestyle through sponsored posts, social media, and advertising. Please note my website target readership is women in their 40s and 50s. Please email here for details.